How can it be a nickel short of a year already? The butterfly days
scatter themselves to the wind, knowing no hand can recover them.
Friday afternoon marked one year from the Thursday afternoon
that Suzy left work early for what was supposed to be
some supplementary maternity shopping, she'd hardly crossed
the threshold of Costco at Pentagon City Mall, when she knew . . .
knew that all our well-plotted plans were now fluid . . . Amniotic fluid.
Matt was just minutes away from the final Greek final
of his graduate career--Luke-Acts to be exact.
When Suzy got him on his cell after one failed attempt
he hit the July air like a bat out of the underworld oven,
careened down 16th street with all abandon,
shot onto 395 south, and down to the Pentagon City Mall
where he found soaked Suzy in front of Starbucks
being tended-to by a very good, very concerned Samaritaness.
we will pass over. How it could be that Suzy was at Holy Cross Hospital
in Silver Spring, MD where her M.D. works his miracles
just twenty minutes later, only the God of miracles can answer.
by doctors who weighed the need to keep him wombed one more week
against the risk of in-utero infection. The amniotic fluid would replentish,
against the risk of in-utero infection. The amniotic fluid would replentish,
we were told, within his womb with a view . . .
And so, long sleepless hours began and lengthened into nights,
and visitors--nay, angels--arrived, bringing needed comfort
and encouragement to a barely-mobile Suzy, and a discombobulated Matt
Then, at length the Day arrived . . .
More on that in a day or five . . .
Anyhow, we hope you all can see and taste just a little
of how much this growing little miracle means
to two inexpert, but very grateful parents.
almost a year old already? How time flies! Hope it's a good celebration!
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter! We miss you guys. Hope things are going well. And Happy Birthday to Zach!
Thanks, Chad. We appreciate it. We'll post some pix.
Thanks, Jennifer. We miss you guys too. Things are going pretty well, and we hope they are for you three as well.
Wow! Zach is such a good looking kid. He is a good mix of both of you! I can't wait to see you all again. Happy birthday to father and son coming you!
Thanks, Bladdy! We love you too, and we think the same thing of Chase!
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