Uh-oh! You've got that look in your eye! Here you come,
Michael Jordan tongue a-waggin'. Mom: "Gregariousness!
Strong-will! Fun-souled! He has made me lighten up!
I feel his love when tugs at my pant leg, reaches his arms up, laughs,
smiles, puts his head on my shoulder, picks his head back up,
smiles, puts his head back down . . ."
Dad: "You've got your Mom's brown eyes.
Brown-eyes don't usually pierce. Yours do.
As do hers. You've got an old soul,"
Mom: "He's got wisdom beyond his years . . .
looks like he's been here before,
the way he goes about things." He'll stare his way
into your innards until you interact! A philosopher in the making?
Mom: "What goes on in that baby-brain of his, I'll never know!"
A pensive sifting of reality, I'd wager. Contemplation of a bird,
a dog, a never-before-met face. Mom and Dad are always jealous on your behalf.
You were jealous for the first time.
You saw mom holding another baby and burst
into the realm of tears like a magician.
Your always sawing Dad in two. Always cuttin' him to the heart.

were on the scene from UT. Despite the fact that you've only had one
thus far, how could this not have been the greatest birthday of all time?
Dad: "I've had 35 so far and this one was the best!"
The days go fast. They never come again.
Got to savor each moment like cool, clear drops
in a thirsty desert. Got to hold on to each moment tight
and hold on to the ones inside the moments even tighter!