Monday, March 7, 2011


In Memoriam: Nathan Lon Bowen

Nathan--the Lord hath given!
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken,
But not forever.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
And blessed be our Nathan forever.

God hath given us comfort, a promise
That just as we laid you down to sleep,
So shall we have you again, forever!
Your newborn flesh, your gentle breath
Your perfect form ... forever!

Mom-mom shall take you in her arms,
Bundled, swathed in white, on a golden morning
Of many meetings, reunions, embraces--
The squinting sun peeking over the everlasting hills
The triumphant Son standing atop the mountains--

Then shall we know in full, "why?"
Then shall we see that he hath given us twofold,
That, in truth, we've recieved a hundredfold, forever.
Then shall we hold you
and have you again, forever.


Rachelle said...

Beautifully written, Matt. It brought tears to my eyes. You and Suzy are in our prayers constantly. We love you all so much.

Rylie said...

Simply beautiful. May you feel your sweet son near you throughout this difficult time.

Matt Bowen said...

Thanks, Chelle. We love you too!

Matt Bowen said...

Thanks, Rylie! We have felt him near us and we have felt the peace that only comes from above.