Friday, November 14, 2008

Early-Life Crisis?

No small decisions for me, even at 4 months:
Do I wanna rock out to AC/DC ... er ... I mean AB/CD
or play with Terrapin Turtle (aka Terpy the Turtle)?

In my economy,
blankets are still comestibles.
I've learned to elude
the way some people charm
bill collectors:
I beam the parentals a pulsating
supernova smile
and they are putty
in my recently-sucked hands.

Nope. No small decisions at 4 months,
AB/CD or Terpy?

Guess we know who won the day?


Jennifer said...

He is unbelievably cute. Love the T-shirt!

Matt and Suzy Bowen said...

Thanks, Jennifer. So is Phineas. We hope he is giving you a little more sleep these days. :)

Broncop3t3 said...

Cute pictures Suzy! You have a great looking family. Now you just have to get some of those pictures onto Facebook. It's great how we can all reconnect online. I found Mooch the other day on "linkedIn"! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Matt and Suzy Bowen said...

Thanks, Pete! We now have pictures on Facebook. =)

Chad said...

Hey Bowen's :) I just saw your blog from the Hakanson's.

It's good to see you again Matt. It looks like things are doing very well. What are you doing now days?